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Over 5 million visitors come to Plymouth annually to enjoy the spectacular scenery, cultural and historic attractions and diverse range of food, culture and outdoor activities on offer in our ‘ocean city’.
Destination Plymouth is a private/public sector partnership whose role is to increase visitors to the city, grow visitor spend and tourism related jobs. We are funded by the Plymouth City Centre Company, Plymouth Waterfront Partnership and Plymouth City Council as well as income from businesses across the wider city.
Take a browse through our membership pack or contact us to...… Read More
Over 5 million visitors come to Plymouth annually to enjoy the spectacular scenery, cultural and historic attractions and diverse range of food, culture and outdoor activities on offer in our ‘ocean city’.
Destination Plymouth is a private/public sector partnership whose role is to increase visitors to the city, grow visitor spend and tourism related jobs. We are funded by the Plymouth City Centre Company, Plymouth Waterfront Partnership and Plymouth City Council as well as income from businesses across the wider city.
Take a browse through our membership pack or contact us to discuss advertising opportunities:
What do we do
- Host the VisitPlymouth website
- Provide social and digital media activity including e-mail marketing
- Provide events and customer activities in the city and waterfront areas
- Marketing promotions and activities locally, regionally and nationally
- Public relations support and regular communications
- Improve signage and visitor welcome
- Support tourism businesses with training and quality schemes
- Provide networking opportunities
- Share best practice locally and nationally
- Support lobbying and working with inward investment to encourage new businesses to the city
Get the latest news from Destination Plymouth here.
Sponsorship at events
Whether you’re keen to up your foodie credentials at one of our popular food festivals, want to hoist your brand up the main sail at Plymouth Pirates Weekend, highlight and reach out to a pipeline of potential new recruits or want to generate meaningful business to business conversations to benefit your business we have a range of opportunities available to suit your needs.
View the Plymouth Event Sponsorship Pack
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