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This Plymouth Tree Partnership trail will take you to some of Plymouth’s notable trees of American origin or places with an American association.
This trail celebrates the links between communities in Plymouth and the USA which have developed over 400 years since the Mayflower sailed from the Barbican, Plymouth, in 1620.
Leading through the City Centre and Barbican, the route is downhill and uses a dropped kerb route up to stop 8. Advice has been offered on how to avoid cobbles at stop 9.
Public toilets are located near stops 4 and 10.
The trail has been compiled by members of Plymouth Tree Partnership, a charity that works with others in the city to plant and care for trees and to spread awareness and knowledge about the importance of trees in all of our lives.
For more information go to http://www.plymouthtrees.org
This trail is available in the free Plymouth Trails app