Re-centering Indigenous Foodways and Food Sovereignty in North America
Roland Levinsky Building
University of Plymouth

Opening Times
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Free of Charge
About us
With Professor Joy Porter and Dr Tabitha Robin (Martens)Food is the foundation for life. Using the past to inform the present, this webinar will explore Indigenous foodways and the politics of food sovereignty across deep time in North America.
Featuring exceptional new scholarship from the mixed ancestry Cree researcher, educator and writer Dr Tabitha Robin (Martens) and Professor Joy Porter, Project Lead of the Treatied Spaces Research Cluster at the University of Hull. Join this presentation to explore how food has always determined key aspects of settler/indigenous relationships and why this remains of critical significance today.
As part of this talk you are also invited to participate in a live Q&A session with the speakers.
Professor Joy Porter is an interdisciplinary researcher and teacher of indigenous history in relation to the environment, war, modernity, literature and cultures.
Dr Tabitha Robin (Martens) is a mixed ancestry Cree researcher, educator and writer. She is a PhD student at the University of Manitoba, studying Indigenous Food Sovereignty in the Faculty of Social Work and the Department of Native Studies.
Supported by the Leverhulme Trust.
Free to access online. Book your place via The Arts Institute website. This event will be live streamed via Zoom Webinar. Once you have booked your place you will receive a link to access this event online, please join the call via the link provided 5 minutes before the event begins.
If you have any queries or require any additional information about attending this online event please do not hesitate to contact The Arts Institute team