A Grimm Christmas - an adults only alternative Christmas show
Castle Street

Opening Times
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All tickets £15 (inclusive of all booking fees and charges)
Tickets can be biooked 24/7 on our website barbicantheatre.co.uk/whats-on.
Should you wish to have your tickets in advance of a performance (you can opt to have them posted, for a charge of £1 per order.
Alternatively you can collect your tickets from the Box Office at Barbican Theatre from 1 hour before your performance begins.
About us
"A spin on the fairytales you thought you knew…. before Hollywood sprinkled sugar on them"Once upon a time there were two brothers who collected stories.
Dark and gruesome tales that were sanitised and sweetened for children by the manipulative rulers of the Kingdom. These tales became well loved stories to share in the festive season.
This Christmas the Brothers Grimm want to reclaim their stories from the corporate giants that roam the land, and take back their place in the traditions of folklore. Join them as they tell the stories how they were originally intended; uncensored with all the menace and gore to thrill and delight us on A Grimm Christmas night!
After last year's inaugural 'An Evening With Krampus' was so well received, The Wheel and Barbican Theatre return with another alternative Christmas show where the kids are definitely not allowed!
A Grimm Christmas features local professional actors, supported by emerging actors and peformers from The Wheel Company and Barbican Theatre's COMPANY b.
Tickets £15 (inclusive of all booking fees)
Performance dates & times:
Thu 12 Dec 8pm
Fri 13 Dec 8pm
Sat 14 Dec 5pm & 8pm
Tue 17 Dec 8pm
Wed 18 Dec 8pm
Thu 19 Dec 8pm
Fri 20 Dec 8pm
Sat 21 Dec 5pm & 8pm
Sun 22 Dec 8pm
Mon 23 Dec 8pm
Running time: approx 85 mins
Age guidance: 16+ (contains adult themes and language)
Venue: Barbican Theatre, Castle Street, Plymouth