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The contribution made through membership goes directly into supporting work to develop the visitor economy for Plymouth and surrounding area - without this financial investment the Destination Plymouth and Visit Plymouth team could not deliver the work that they do.
You in turn then receive opportunities to promote your business with a series of benefits and services designed to help you better reach a visitor audience, with specially designed marketing and business engagement programmes to assist in maximising opportunities within the business and leisure tourism industry.
As well as providing specialist marketing, sales and development opportunities, each member is also directly investing in the work undertaken to promote Plymouth and the surrounding areas as one of the primary visitor destinations in the UK and Europe. This investment allows us to buy into campaigns and events where we can promote Plymouth to journalists, the media, the travel trade, business agents and digital influencers to name a few. With the visitor economy to Plymouth worth more than £330 million* to the local economy, we need to be able to invest to ensure we maintain this significant return to the businesses in the city region.
There are 3 different levels of membership available depending on your objectives and size of your business.
Bronze - the basic level of membership, suitable for micro businesses (Plymouth Waterfront Partnership and Plymouth City Centre Company businesses receive a free bronze listing)
Silver - the standard level of membership for those interested in general leisure marketing opportunities.
Gold - for those wanting extra promotional exposure and focus on both the leisure and business tourism market.
Download the Destination Plymouth Membership Pack.
Once you have purchased one of the above Destination Plymouth membership levels, please complete the appropriate membership level form below and return to Kelly.Rich@plymouth.gov.uk so that we are able to populate your Visit Plymouth website listing.
Check out some other ideas and suggestions that might be of interest below.
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