Eco-Friendly Fun: Sustainable Team Building with ACF Events 

At ACF Events, sustainability is taking centre stage! While renowned for their team-building experiences and corporate fun days, ACF Events has placed a strong emphasis on creating sustainable event experiences since the Covid 19 pandemic.

Recent trends indicate a growing awareness among event organisers and attendees about the environmental impact of events. In fact, 64% of global event attendees surveyed expressed a preference for sustainable events (Source: Global Meetings & Events Trends Report, 2023).

Recognising the importance of sustainability, ACF Events have embarked on a transformative journey to minimise their environmental footprint while offering enriching team-building experiences. Their efforts have already been recognised with a prestigious Silver Sustainability Award - a testament to their dedication to green practices.

Here are some key steps the Event Management company have already taken towards sustainability:

Adapting for a Greener Future: The shift to virtual events during the pandemic not only maintained the connection that companies so greatly needed, but also significantly reduced travel emissions. This realisation prompted ACF Events to align employees' values with their sustainability goals, driving a company-wide commitment to becoming a sustainable business.

Embracing Wellbeing and Mindfulness: By introducing activities like Forest Bathing, Tai Chi, and Mindfulness, ACF Events not only promote team spirit but also ensure a lower environmental impact. Positive feedback from clients underscores the growing interest in incorporating well-being into team-building events.

Building an Eco-Friendly Office: A new office within the companies warehouse boasts environmentally friendly features such as LED lights, solar motion sensors, and water-saving technologies. The location on a farm enables the implementation of sustainable practices like using a biodigester for wastewater management.

Mindful Procurement: ACF Events’ Operations Team now prioritises sustainability when sourcing event materials, opting for reusable options and 100% biodegradable alternatives. By repurposing items and materials from their warehouse, they minimise waste and promote a circular economy.

Transparent Communication: Sustainability is not just an internal mission but a shared commitment with many corporate clients. ACF Events will provide an Eco-Events Checklist, recommend sustainably accredited venues, and encourage attendees to bring reusable items, fostering a culture of environmental consciousness.

Corporate Contract with Sustainability Goals: Securing a contract with a sustainability-focused corporate client in 2023 showcases the organisations' alignment with like-minded partners. This partnership not only emphasises their achievements but also motivates the company to further enhance sustainable event practices.

Leaving a Positive Footprint: During events in various locations, ACF ensure that they leave no trace behind, preserving the natural environment and memories, without a lasting environmental impact.

The Silver Sustainability Award that ACF Events received in January 2024 was a proud moment, reflecting their dedication to eco-friendly practices. Winning tenders with sustainability-focused clients further validates the efforts made and motivates the team to continue pushing boundaries in sustainable event management.

Contact ACF Events today to discover how they can create a sustainable team-building experience for your group.

For more information, reach out to: or call 01934 862305.



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